“The act of becoming”
“The process of becoming visible after being concealed”
“The process of coming into existence”
Let me introduce you to ...​
All energies that lie within us & the teacheable process with tangible tools, that allows us to use these energies to: (re)- awaken, (re)- claim and (re)- emerge with your own unique talents, gifts and intuition.
That which wants to RISE up from within, that which wants to EMERGE.
There is nothing OUTSIDE of you, everything that you need is in there, at your disposal, within your reach..
It's just the TOOLS to connect in, the pathways that need activating and awakening.
The ACT of EMERGENCE is one of these pathways.
Where are you at in your own state of EMERGENCE ..?
And what is wanting to be birthed and RISE to the surface in your life ..?
“Your light is only as bright as your darkness is felt”
Arabella Morgan, Wild Woman Rising.
There is a certain process to becoming unhidden, to stepping into our own light, to owning our fullness (both the dark and light bits), and to allow for all of that to RISE up and become the beacon of light that lights our way forward.
This container of teachings is an accumulation of all of this goodness, it’s a process you can repeat again and again.
This is teachable tools, techniques to wind your energy back into YOU (The Octopus),
Drop deep inside (The Sleeping Whale) and FEEL into what wants to RISE within us (The Dragon).

This is our power baby.
This is our wisdom!
This is simply a process of me winding you back into this pathway. To awakening what you already know, and discover your FULL powerful potential self.
The world needs you now.
The world needs you to be LIT up, AWAKE and LEADING the way forward with your vibration.
I invite you in to experience your own “SACRED PAUSE” … the space of non-doing
(Less doing and more BE-ING).
For one month, I invite you to dive deep (whale pun) into the ACT of EMERGENCE!
This group container will be potent and supportive, with individual attention and a VIP option to work with me 1:1.
2 x Calls with me a week
1 x FB Live Training on the Monday
1 x Zoom Coaching call on the Saturday
Let's have a look at this Step by Step process ..


We have quite simply - lost our way.. through no fault of our own, our energy and focus are scattered outward in a million and one different directions… thoughts, worries, fears, should do’s, old programs & the general DOING of life.
I call this the energy of the OCTOPUS - outward moving energy ...
We start HERE by noticing and making choices that serve us and our energy.

Once our energy is back home within us.. We meet our
The deep space of quiet, embodied wisdom where we are at deep rest, where we can heal, re-set, find an inner peace and be completely SUPPORTED whilst doing so.
Our own space of SACRED PAUSE and healing…of RE-SET.

Once we get comfortable in our depths, we can really start to notice what is STIRRING within.
What is rumbling deep in our belly, and wanting to be BIRTHED?
And what is stopping us..?
WE Go there. Do that.
And BREATHE the dragons fire of life & transformation INTO it.
We create our life from the INSIDE OUT.

Rinse & Repeat..
This process is a lifelong investment in self.
This is the beginning …
The journey continues so we work to bring in your pillars of support ..
To roll out this new level of self we need to integrate the light and dark , the depths and rise and notice where are WORK lies.

Week 5 of Emergence
(See below for VIP UPGRADES)
The work I do 1:1 separates into two parts
Part A the coaching piece
Part B the healing piece …
Together I call these parts …. “Spiritual Counsel”
Both are as important as each other …and this is really about me holding space for you, where you are in your state of EMERGENCE and what you need SUPPORT within to shift, heal and unlock.
This is DEEP work, but also us getting comfortable in our DEPTHS.
(It’s where all the magic, and gifts, & the treasures are)… if we imagine the DRAGON as the keeper of our treasures, we want her to stir, to unwind & to REVEAL her treasures…
What' it looks like..
EACH WEEK we will meet twice a week online via closed FB group & Zoom.
1 x 60min MONDAY, FB live for the training and techniques
1 x 75min SATURDAY, LIVE zoom call for the coaching around the trainings
You spend the week in between feeling into, experiencing, taking note of what comes up for you, using your EMERGENCE workbook & TOOLS, how you feel and what shifts.
We then work through these on the coaching call.
JOINING LIVE is fantastic, but not necessary - you can do this work in your own time frame.
BUT joining live will get you more supported on the coaching calls
My intention is to deliver value, content & support through this container & PROGRAM.
Teachable tools, that when practised - can literally transform your life, your energy and your relationship with self.
It can help you prepare for your #nextlevel version, it can offer you the opportunity to really clean up your vibration so that you can DO YOUR WORK, YOUR MAGIC in the world …
The world needs us in our FULL LIGHT right now.
‘The best gift you can give the world is your vibration” - Peta Kelly
Not sure if this is for you …?
I invite you to JUMP into my short and potent training 7 day ONLINE mini course
“Tools to Reclaim your Energy” to do at your own pace.
And will allow you a “bite” sized morsel to chew on, and to feel into my energy.
This is like a potent, little mini training leading into The Act of EMERGENCE with take home TOOLS and GUIDANCE.

Who Am I to be teaching this?
At 3 am one morning - I awoke with the word EMERGENCE pounding through my brain like a drum beat .. I then proceeded to write down the outpouring of what this was the “teaching’ of it so to speak.
In some way it was a receiving from the universe or my guides about how to show up #nextlevel and serve my clients and the community.
I was not always connected like this … I was busy, full and running, my life full of distractions and lack of focus.
It has been a deep unravelling, a deep re-remembering and reclaiming of wisdom and guidance..A re-emergence with my FULL self.
Let's be honest … it continues to be!
I am constantly doing the work.
Winding back in, finding my centre and power and then trusting the next step or even, the NO step from this space.
So this is my take on it -
BUT I feel the energy of the group container is deeply empowering, supportive and transformational …
It’s almost like our “cycles” will unite and we will support each other through the EMERGENCE process , just by us all being together.
I also trust 100% in the people that will be gathered or called to be in the energetic circle…
It will be perfect…
JOIN me as we play and dance with the energy of the Octopus, the Sleeping Whale and the Dragon…
Rebecca x

Investment & Upgrades
Pay In Full
Add in 2 x 1:1 75min ONLINE Coaching Sessions with me
Voxer Support through our 1:1 time
AND you can jump into the Mini Training “Tools to Reclaim Your Energy”
SAT 24th July 10-12pm.
(Worth $44)
*Payment Plan 5 x $160 / week
for 5 weeks
What People Say...
About Bec..

Rebecca is a women’s facilitator, energy healer, intuitive coach, dance & movement mentor, activator and yoga teacher.
Her work lies in embodiment - guiding others to embody and awaken their gifts, talents and innate wisdom.
She is not a “fixer”… but a space holder, and celebrates the sacred arts of ritual, dance, colour, sound, breath and movement…
Rebecca uses tools such as: yoga, guided meditation, sacred plants, oils, crystals, sound healing, energy medicine, EFT, NLP, chakra clearing and re-balancing, insights and guidance received through her intuitive channels.
Rebecca owned her own Dance Studio Biz for over 17 years, when she experienced a complete re-set, unravelling of self, transformation and healing.
Rebecca speaks from her embodied experiences and wisdom.
She loves nature, to dance, laugh and play - using voice, song and movement as a source of creative expression and a way to unlock stagnant or stuck energies.