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Healing Bundle Goodies

Welcome and CONGRATS on booking a Healing Bundle for your support, guidance & healing.


I am truly so glad you are here, and we get to embark upon this healing journey together. 

Wether this is a gift to self, or a gift for a loved one:

It's truly my honour to support you in this way! 



What is it to work with me? 

A unique holistic approach to shifting energy.

Making long lasting, deep changes and improvements.

A re-setting of the old and outdated. 

A (re)- claiming, (re)-remembering & (re)-awakening of your true spirited self from within. 

Activation of purposeful living.






Tools I use...

I am a very practical person, each aspect of what I do is highly structured, yet intuitively guided. 


These tools are tangible, take home techniques that facilitate long lasting change & improvements in your life. 


*Using Wellbeing and Integrative Health Practices 

*Yogic influences - techniques, meditations, breathwork & kriyas 

*Energy Medicine Practises - to change your state effectively 

*Healing Processes-  to shift blocks in your body, mind, spirit & emotions

*Intuitive Pathways- activation and cultivation of

*NLP techniques - reprogramming of the brain's pathways, habits and beliefs

*EFT, chakra re-balancing & clearing to re-energise and bring the body back into s state of harmony & balance. 


I also use cards, oils, crystals, flower essences, colour therapy & sound healing as supportive practises in our session & my work. 


These practises are TOOLS that I live by. 

They have been instrumental in my own healing and (re) - awakening journey. 


The How

Intuition Speaks ...The Body Keeps the Score. 


Inside of you are the answers, the deep knowing, the awareness, the key to unlocking solutions. 


My work is to unlock, pinpoint & activate the shift from within. 


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Book your first session

Use this link here to book in your first session.

Pick a time and date and click through to confirm.

(You will receive a confirmation email) 

Allow about 2 hours for our session together. 

Rest after is importmant. you may feel "an energy hangover". Drink lots of water before and after. 

If you need to reschedule, please reach out - we can do that! 

FILL in the pre-session survey to really help both you and I get super clear about our session together and set the inetention!

After Working with me, clients feel..


Lighter and a sense of release.

More embodied and at home in their body.

More alive and spirited, embracing all the parts of themselves. 

Energetically clear: clear thinking, clear knowing, physical healing and shifts, emotionally cleansed. 

More expansive and open to new opportunities and possibilities 

In flow with their life, a sense that things are working out. 

In touch with their intuition, signs and synchronicities in their life. 

Activation of creativity and a feminine way of doing life. 

Able to make clear choices in their life moving forward.

Supported in ongoing practices and tools.

Download your meditation

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You will receive your first FULL MOON READ on or around the Full Moon, and each month for 3 months

What my 1;1 Clients say

"I cannot thank you enough for this experience, Bec. 

Our 1:1 sessions were sometimes light and encouraging and other times were a bit more intense, however every session was beneficial in altering my perspective of myself. In our last session we talked about how much easier it is for me to meditate now, and to practice visualisations through mediation.

When I first started, I found it so so hard to relax. My mind would constantly wander.

Each session was like unlocking something I had been holding on to, which I sometimes didn't even realise I had been holding on to.


And the weekly reads have given me purpose and guidance too. I've been able to listen to them on a Monday and then check in with them each day to acknowledge what might be in store for me for that day."


- Karli

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Thanks for submitting!

Rebecca Ross Sacred Biz

ph: 0408 363169

Images by Lu Townsend Photography & Teo Ross Productions

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